Voluspa Santiago Huckelberry

We had the Voluspa Santiago Huckleberry candle in our shop for many years before I finally broke down and tried it. Year after year I continuously heard everyone rave about it. Even though Santiago Huckleberry is on of Voluspa's best-selling fragrances, I was reluctant to try it. To me, the cold throw on it came across as a jam smorgishborg that only Joey from Friends could enjoy. The thought of jam-overload scared me.

Finally, I had to try it. As the candle warmed, the fragrance opened up and revealed the most wonderful, warm scent. Notes of vanilla provided comfort and relaxation. The description doesn't list amber, but the scent was so warm and deep it comes across like warm, sweet amber. Truly lovely.


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  2. The soft fragrance can be so relaxing. And of course the Blackberry drink is just perfect for sipping!

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  6. I love that Voluspa comes with a cover. Sometimes I want to use another fragranced candle, and it makes it possible to not have "sensory interference" with 2 opposing scents!!

  7. This pairing sounds lovely! Santiago Huckleberry is one of my all-time favorite scents! I can't get enough of it. It blends beautifully with so many different fragrances. I had it burning with Macaron once and it was incredibly comforting and decadent. Love this scent!

  8. Santiago Huckleberry is one of my all-time favorite scents! I can't get enough of it. It blends beautifully with so many different fragrances.

  9. This is one of my favorite scents from Voluspa, or any other brand for that matter. It's a happy and uplifting smell and I just love it!

    I'm a photographer and work from home, and lighting it in my office always brightens my day!!

  10. Good call on layering Santiago Huckleberry with Crisp Champagne. I'll bet that really brings out the warm and comforting vanilla notes. I agree—the cold throw was very jammy to me too. But it does have a warm side to the fragrance that is appealing for everyone.

  11. This might sound really strange but I was actually burning one of my many stocked up yet sadly retired Voluspa Red Amber Incense and I had a Santiago Huckleberry burning in the other room and despite how different the scents are they really worked well together. The sweetness of the berry mingling with the woodsy, red amber incense created this intense atmosphere in my house. I was surprised at how nicely they came together. Almost like old friends reuniting. Very cool.


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